Our Assignment

Our Vision is to show teachers that we appreciate them. Without teachers our country would not be where it is today. They are the ones who teach us most of what we know. 


We are working to show teachers we appreciate them in as many ways as we can. One of our favorite things to do is sponsor a Teacher's Day where we partner with a restaurant so that they can have a night of fun. 

We also have other projects that we are working on that you can get involved in. 

Teachers’ Appreciation Day is a nationwide event in the first week of May each year.  We start off by saying thank you for all the hard work teachers do each and every day. Our business primarily focuses on our youth and developing young minds. Therefore, teachers are never far from our minds. We are all teachers in our own right and for you to dedicate your lives to training, challenging, and conditioning the youth of the world is greatly valued. You do all this, while having the tolerance, patience, passion, and faith in children that are not even yours. You aren’t even being asked to be step parents to the children but in a way you are by choosing so by becoming a teacher. We do not want teachers’ hard work to go unnoticed.   

I know how much work teachers put in both academically and socially.  Myself  and Mr. Woodson feel it is very important to give the kids of today a positive outlook and alternatives to street life.  We are committed to making a difference and help see that all of these kids become productive members of society.  In order to do this we would like to collaborate with the school systems.  Along with Teachers’ Appreciation week, we would like to start a nationwide Teachers’ Appreciation dinner with a commemorative t-shirt.  It is at your discretion as to how the teacher nomination will work.  We understand that this is a difficult choice because so many teachers deserve this honor as they go above and beyond what is expected.  

Please have a professional photographer on hand to take a group photo. Please have your teachers wear their commemorative t-shirts in this photo. 

Our goal, with the support of the school systems and the community, is to take every teacher in the world out to dinner.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.  

Mr. Keith Cooks